Preparing for Breast Augmentation
Consultations offered at our three convenient locations in Encino, Glendale and Bakersfield
**This instruction checklist applies to breast augmentation, lift, and reduction surgeries.**
One Week Before Breast Augmentation, Lift, or Reduction surgery
- Tend to all of your chores and to do things before your plastic surgery so you don’t have to worry about taking care of things early during your recuperation. You are not allowed to engage in heavy lifting for several weeks after surgery. This means, if you usually clean the house, you should do so in advance of your surgery.
- Have your haircut and colored, wax your legs, pay your bills, and take your dog to the vet before your planned day of surgery!
If you an avid tanner, don’t tan your breasts for one week before, and six weeks after, your surgery. Any sun or tan burn of your breast skin can potentially increase the risk of infection of skin damage with breast augmentation. - If you have nipple rings you must replace them with a plastic ring at least one week before surgery and wait for your surgeon to tell you when you can have them replaced.
- Rent your favorite movies, and leave easily prepared foods and snacks in areas where you will not have to lift or reach.
- Place all of the medications, tissues, reading materials, water bottles on one table, within easy reach.
- Get all your surgery medications filled and set aside well in advance.
- Arrange for a capable adult to pick you up after surgery, and to care for you, 24-hours a day, for at least 3-5 days after surgery.
- Have ready ice-cold cola drinks, ginger ale, or sport drinks close to your bed. Avoid drinking too much plain water after surgery, because it makes you more nauseated.
- STOP taking any type of medications or vitamins that could thin your blood, such as Aspirin, Motrin, Aleve, Advil, Naprosyn, Vitamin E, etc.
- Have Pre-operative exam clearance by your doctor or ours. If you have specific medical condition, this has to be cleared by the appropriate specialist.
- Pre-op blood test and EKG has to be completed at our office or your doctors. Results have to be found satisfactory in advance of your surgery.
- If you are traveling from out of town, make sure to have your hotel and travel arrangements confirmed. Also, notify us of your travel timelines.
One Day Before Breast Augmentation, Lift, or Reduction Surgery
- Drink plenty of liquids, except alcohol, in order to hydrate yourself.
- Remove dark nail polish.
- STOP eating or drinking anything after midnight or at least 8 hours prior to your surgery time.
- STOP smoking.
- Our surgery coordinator will call you with your surgery time in the afternoon of the day prior to your surgery.
- Check with our coordinator about which medications to stop taking prior to surgery.
The Day of your Breast Augmentation, Lift, or Reduction Surgery
- Take a full shower and do not apply body lotion or deodorants.
- Remove all jewelry, body piercings, contact lenses, or prostheses.
- Apply your nausea patch (Scopolamine) to behind your ear.
- Bring your nausea and pain medications with you to the surgery center.
- Leave plenty of travel time to arrive on time for your surgery.
- Wear comfortable, loose, and unrestrictive cloths.
- Have your caretaker meet the doctor or the nurse in order to go over post-op instructions.
- If you have long hair, wear a non-metallic cloth ponytail.
- Provide us with the contact information of the person that is going to pick you up after surgery, and the place that you are going to recover.