Rhinoplasty - Caucasian Case #6224

Please review before and after photos of a 17 years old Caucasian woman from Glendale who had a closed rhinoplasty by Dr. Younai at the California Center for Plastic Surgery in Encino, CA. During her rhinoplasty consultation she had mentioned that her goal for nose surgery was to get a nose with a smaller and more refined tip. She had discussed different approaches to “tip rhinoplasty” with Dr. Younai and emphasized that she wanted to get a natural looking nose job. Her sister had a rhinoplasty with Dr. Younai several years ago and she wanted to have a similar result.Her nose surgery went extremely well and she was very pleased with the refinement of her nasal tip. She was also happy to have been able to get her nose job during her Christmas break from school, and start the New Year with a new look!
- Patient #: 6224
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 15 - 17
- Procedure: Rhinoplasty - Caucasian