Mommy Makeover Case #12663

Mommy Makeover before and after pictures (A, B, C) by tummy tuck specialist in Los Angeles Dr. Younai Age is but a number when it comes to feeling young, it’s also a number when it comes to the benefits of elective surgery. Here we have a 56-year-old mother of 3 from Pasadena CA who wanted to relive some of her glorious youth. Pregnancy, age, and weight gain had left her body as a shadow of her old self, so she consulted with Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Younai about a Mommy Makeover. A Mommy Makeover is a combination tummy tuck and breast enhancement that corrects the two areas most affected by pregnancy which are the stomach, and the breasts. In her mommy makeover before and after photos you can see how the years just disappear and how curvaceous, sexy, and young her new body looks.
- Patient #: 12663
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 51 - 60
- Procedure: Mommy Makeover