Body Contouring Case #10961

Abdominal liposuction before and after pictures of 28 years old woman is shown here. Prior to her cosmetic surgery consultation, she had researched liposuction pictures online and had decided to consult with Dr. Sean Younai who specialized in liposculpture and body contouring. Dr. Sean Younai who is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon has had decades of experience in Liposuction with a focus on giving women a curvaceous figure. According to Dr. Younai the goal of liposuction is not necessarily to reduce a woman’s dress size, but more importantly to give her a more curvaceous and womanly figure. The goal of liposuction surgery is to make a woman look and feel sexy.She underwent abdominal liposuction with contouring of her waist and lower back, under general anesthesia. After liposuction, she had daily abdominal massaging in order to help shrink and smoothen her skin. She also started exercising within two weeks which also helped to from her muscles. She was extremely happy with her liposuction outcome and feels great about her body.
- Patient #: 10961
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: African-American
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Liposuction Abdomen Medium