Calf Augmentation Case #10315

Calf Augmentation with calf Implants in West Los Angeles:
Before and after calf augmentation pictures of a West Los Angeles Hispanic woman who had calf implants by Dr. Sean Younai at the California Center for Plastic Surgery as shown here. Patients goal for calf enlargement surgery was to achieve more symmetry and proportionality with the rest of her lower extremity.
Prior to consulting with Dr. Younai she had done extensive “Google internet research, looking at many before and after pictures”. According to her the reason that she chose Dr. Younai was because of his great online reviews and experience in calf augmentation plastic surgery.
She says that calf implant surgery took about one hour with Dr. Younai and afterwards she was able to recover from her surgery at home for over 4 days prior to going back to work. She liked the service and support that she received by not only the nurses and the anesthesiologist, but the entire staff at Dr. Younai’s office.
- Patient #: 10315
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Body Contouring, Calf Augmentation