Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Medium Size Case #5760

This is a 40 years old African American woman from Los Angeles who had previously had a tummy tuck. She was unhappy with lack of shape, and wanted to have a more curvaceous figure. Her dream was to get a curvaceous figure with a tight and smooth tummy. Patient underwent Revision Tummy Tuck with a High Tension Abdominoplasty which includes liposuction, tightening of the abdominal wall, and pulling up of the hips and upper thighs. As you can see in her after photo she has a perfect “hour-glass figure”.She Interviewed board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Younai who specializes in Tummy Tucks in Los Angeles. During her in depth cosmetic surgery consultation she expressed what her goals were and Dr. Younai reviewed before and after revision Abdominoplasty Surgery pictures. She learned that previous surgeon did not tighten her abdominal muscles and left her with “dog ears”. The main cause of dog ears, excess skin at the sides or ends of the tummy tuck incision, that are cause by trying to use a too short of an incision. If the incision is placed at the proper location and extended far enough, then dog ears are avoidable. Dr. Younai explained that a tummy tuck will tighten her abdominal muscles back to their original firmness, and almost remove all the stretch marks at the lower abdomen. In order to further create a curvaceous figure she also decided to have flank liposuction with tummy tuck.Her tummy tuck surgery took about three hours at the Regency Surgery Center in Encino. Her tummy tuck recovery was smooth; she went home the same day and was able to return to work in a few weeks. In 6 weeks she was able to return to her normal exercise routine. Her tummy tuck before and after photos show that all her stretch marks have been removed and that her tummy tuck scar is placed very low in a bikini line which is very hard to see. She is very pleased with her tummy tuck experience and now feels very comfortable and confident with her body. She says she would recommend Dr. Younai to anyone looking to have cosmetic surgery. She is very pleased with her results.
- Patient #: 5760
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: African-American
- Age: 36 - 40
- Procedure: Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Medium Size