Liposuction Abdomen Medium Case #5522

Before and after liposuction pictures of a 32 years old Caucasian women from Beverly Hills shows how liposuction of got rid of her “muffin tops”, narrowed her waist, and flattened her tummy.She has been working out and maintaining a healthy diet but says that because of her Russian heritage and family genetics all the women in her family have the same built and and suffer from the same “square shape”.During her liposuction consultation she mentioned that one of her most important concerns was being able to recover quickly and to return to work in less than a week. She was also extremely anxious about feeling pain during her liposction procedure. Dr. Younai ressured her that he uses a board certified anesthesiologist who has had over fifteen years of experience with liposuction anesthesia. During liposuction procedure patients are completely asleep under general anesthesia and can not feel any pain or discomfort.Patient had Tumescent liposuction on a Wednesday and was able to return to work the following Tuesday. She says that she did not feel anything during liposuction and was happy that she had general anesthesia, instead of local anesthesia.Some patients ask to have their liposuction under local aneshtesia, but unfortunately they don’t realize that it can be less safe than general anesthesia because they will have to receive a much higher doses of local anesthestics whose effects last hours after the end of surgery.Dr. Younai performs all his cosmetic surgery procedures at Regency Surgery Center which is a fully accredidated outpateint surgery facility with board certified anesthesiologists and experienced nurses.
- Patient #: 5522
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Liposuction Abdomen Medium