Mommy Makeover Case #11519

Mommy makeover before and after pictures (A, B, C) by tummy tuck specialist in Los Angeles Dr. Younai Although age is a big factor in how well the body can readjust itself after a pregnancy, it’s not always true for young people. This 25-year-old woman from Sherman Oaks CA developed a pot belly as well as flat and sagging breasts after her first pregnancy. She loves being a mother but wants to get her old body and confidence back. Consulting with Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Younai, he recommended a mommy makeover which would bring her breasts back their fullness and perkiness as well as remove the pregnancy weight and tummy that bothered her. Given the young age of her child she did not want the recovery period to take long and Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon Dr. Younai let her know that most patients can start getting back to their daily routines starting two weeks after their procedure. This gave her enough confidence to go through with the procedure and get back her figure without neglecting her duties as a mother. After two weeks she was able to move around and slowly started to get back to her normal routine.
- Patient #: 11519
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Mommy Makeover